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Wealth & Work Rules: How to stop the rat race

Wealth and work rules: How to stop the rat race

Here’s Wikipedia’s definition of the rat race:is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. (…) The term is commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment.” And yes, we agree with this – this is what we know as the rat race. 

So, have you ever found yourself immersed in the rat race? We have, for sure. It is hard not to. Most of us function within capitalist societies, and that is the root of this way of life. With the growth of consumerism, companies had to increase their productions, and most decided to go with the specialization route, in order to maximize manpower. However, there’s one problem with specialization: meaning. The more jobs are subdivided, the less likely every job is to feel meaningful. Modern work is alienated. workers need to see themselves in the objects they help create.

All of us are generalists inside, we were not born to do only one thing only, it’s merely the economy for its own greedy ends that pushes us to sacrifice ourselves to one discipline alone.

So, now what? we believe that is the perfect time to create new rules at work. 

every organization has its own workplace culture, and that won’t change, but there are some universal truths to this: Communication is key! in this scenario, is better to over-communicate. That way, everyone can feel on the same page and rest assured that everyone is doing their jobs and their parts. 

In order to create a balance between work time and personal time, employees and managers have to work closely together to ensure that no one is feeling pressured to respond to emails and messages at all hours of the day. 

Finally, embrace change: this is new to everyone, thus it’s a matter of figuring it out together, doing some trial and error, and adjusting until finding something that fits the team best. Survival and incremental success will be achieved by the ones that embrace change and go with it.

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