The Failure Institute
We help you go from failure to innovation.
Let’s build a culture where your team celebrates trying and learning, instead of stigmatizing failure.

Who Are We
The Failure Institute is a global social enterprise that helps companies build cultures of innovation and collaboration.
We do this by changing how people handle failure: From a taboo and something to hide, to a situation that can be used to grow and to build agile collaborative teams.
We are part of Fuckup Nights®, the global movement on failure that is active in more than 70 countries.

Business Services
We help you transform your organization by building a mindset of growth through vulnerability, innovation, and authenticity.

What We Learned from Failures in Social Impact Work with The IWMI
We hosted a private event in Nairobi to share failure stories from social organizations.
Together with international agencies, multilateral organizations, development banks, and foundations, we co-created actionable solutions for greater social impact.

Helping Businesses Grow with Santander
We created the Santander Growth Zone program, a dynamic three-day workshop series tailored for fast-growing businesses.
Through interactive sessions and hands-on activities, participants acquired practical tools to scale their operations, cultivate a resilient organizational culture, and spark innovative thinking across their teams.

Fuckup Nights at Mexico Tech Week
We hosted the most popular session at Latin America’s biggest tech conference.
We shared stories from industry leaders and created a networking space where executives exchanged ideas in a fun, authentic, and unique environment.

Using Data to Improve Workplace Culture with J&J
Using our Failure Survey tool, we evaluated the organizational culture at J&J Medtech.
We design workshops for the leadership team to strengthen their communication skills, develop crucial conversations and work on their team's error management.

Learning from Mistakes to Drive CEMEX Products Innovation
We worked with Cemex to host Fuckup Nights events in their offices across Europe and the Americas, inspiring innovation through storytelling.
CEMEX leaders shared stories about their mistakes and the lessons they learned, which helped inspire the redesign of innovative products now part of their portfolio.

Building Resilience in Students with TEC
In collaboration with Tecnológico de Monterrey, we organize annual private Fuckup Nights for their students.
Our events help students reshape their perspective on failure, offering motivating stories and practical insights to handle challenges and transitions in their lives.