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Failure and Innovation


Why We Do It

We strongly believe that failure is a key ingredient of Innovation.

Let’s discuss how to build fertile soil to create innovative teams. Setting trust in teams so they can try different, new, and challenging ideas is one of the most important goals nowadays. 

Spoiler alert: Most of those ideas won’t be as disruptive as you may think and will fail. But the important is to create pace and inertia as an iterating organization and keep learning the lessons.

Also, if you have questions that you’d like for us to address about this topic, send them over to hola@thefailureinstitute.com 🙂

Special Guests

Miguel Aragón
CIO Audi Mexico

(Spanish session)
Miguel has been part of the Audi MX team since 2013, he holds a Master's in Automation & Information Technologies. He has been preparing himself in this area to be able to guide his clients in the search for answers that will lead them to achieve their personal and professional goals. He enjoys swimming, cycling, and climbing. He recently completed the ascent of Pico de Orizaba mountain (5636 m) with a group of friends.

Jorge García Sotelo
Head of Applications, Digitalization and Innovation

(Spanish session)
Professionally trained as a Systems Engineer, with a Master in Business Administration and Marketing and more recently a Diploma in Strategic Innovation, Jorge Garcia Sotelo is currently responsible for the Digitalization and Innovation strategy as well as the Applications at Audi México. Jorge has more than 20 years of experience in operations and Information Technology in the automotive industry.
Now, as head of the Digitization team, he is leading the company's digital transformation strategy, continuing with the solid progress fruit of the effort made during the past years.

Robert Radloff
Strategy and Change @Airbus

(English session)
Organizer and moderator at Fuckup Nights, public speaker, project manager, and culture support for the second-largest Aircraft Company in the world.
In his words: Once upon a time I was a kid / I was an athlete / I was a soldier / I was a banker / I was a computer scientist / I was a consultant / I was a husband / I was a general manager / I was a dad / I was a project manager / I was an entrepreneur / I was department lead / I was a challenger / I was a founder / I was a strategist / I was a changer / I was a networker / I was a moderator / I was a mentor / I was a coach / I was a wrong thinker / I was a fuckupper … Today I’m all of these.

Fuckup Nights is a global movement and event series that shares stories of professional failure. Each month, in events across the globe, we get three to four people to get up in front of a room full of strangers to share their own professional fuckup. The stories of the business that crashes and burns, the partnership deal that goes sour, the product that has to be recalled, we tell them all.

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